Sensible or sensitive?

How to use Sensible and Sensitive in the English language

A lot of words we meet when learning English vocabulary are very similar, but have different meanings.

To some other language speakers Sensitive and Sensible are “false friends”. That is that they seem to be the same as a similar word in their language, but they are used differently in English.

Sensible means:

practical and reasonable.

Sensible people do not make rash decisions without thinking about them.

If you are sensible you are level-headed and make make good judgements based on common-sense.

John wanted to buy an open-topped sports car but his wife persuaded him that it would be more sensible to get a car with space for the children!

Children, please! Can you stop being silly now please? I need you to be sensible so that we can finish this project this afternoon.

Sensitive means:

Someone or something that reacts quickly. Sometimes we need to protect a sensitive thing from danger or damage

This information about the Minister is very sensitive and should be used carefully

The baby’s skin is very sensitive and has to be protected from the sun

Giles is very sensitive about his big ears. If anyone comments he goes into a depression

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