Object question or Subject question (video)

How to form Subject or Object questions

See VIDEO for an explanation: Object questions or Subject questions? – video lesson

In Subject questions it is not possible to use an auxiliary to form the question

We ask: Who made this cake? and not Who did make this cake?

We cannot use an auxiliary verb (do, does, did) to ask a subject question because the standard question form with an auxiliary requires

  • Auxilary verb + subject + principle verb  it is ONLY possible if we know who or what does the action, this is the SUBJECT


  • Where do you go on Saturdays?
  • Have you seen the new Spielberg film?
  • Who did they give the prize to last week? (object question)

If we do not know the subject we cannot use this system.

See VIDEO for an explanation: Object questions or Subject questions? – video lesson

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