Finishing ESO 4 – prepare English for Batxillerat in Valls, summer 2016

Prepare for English in Batxillerat this summer in Valls

English in 1r Batxillerat is much more difficult than the English in ESO 4 in Spain.

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If you or you son or daughter has passed English in ESO 4 with a lower mark than 7 then you will almost definitely have serious problems with English in Batxillerat.

Languagewell, with Ian Coldwell, has more than 26 years of experience preparing students for real English in the last years of secondary school, for university and especially for studying and working abroad.

Our experience demonstrates very clearly that an intensive course in the summer before doing Batxillerat is essential.

We will be doing classes this summer in July 2016 to prepare students for English in Batxillerat in the Valls area.


For more information:

Psg de l’Estació 40

tel: 696 989 266

English classes in Valls with Languagewell





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